Dear readers. I thought I had better explain myself, especially to those of you who are new to the Coffee Spot, but also to my regular readers who could be forgiven for thinking I’ve disappeared!
Normally I post twice a week, once on a Monday and once on a Thursday. However, for the last month, I have been a bit remiss in keeping up with my schedule, for which I can only apologise. The simple explanation is that I have been away on holiday (or perhaps, given where I went, vacation would be a better term…). I had high hopes of at least posting once a week while I was away, but that slowly went out of the window…
The good news is that while I was away, I did find the odd Coffee Spot worthy of a mention (21 in all, across three cities!). The other good news is that I am now back and, starting on Monday, will be back to posting twice a week.
If you are new to the Coffee Spot, you can read more about me and what I do after the gallery. Regular readers can also find out about my plans for the future!
My recent holiday was in fact a Coffee Spot tour of (a small part of) North America, which took me through Boston, New York City and Montreal. While I wasn’t exclusively on Coffee Spot business, I did manage to find a staggering 21 Coffee Spots! I posted two of these, Caffe Vittoria and Wired Puppy, both from Boston, when I was out there and others are featured in the gallery above. The rest are now all on the Coffee Spot.
If you’re new to the Coffee Spot, I suggest a good place to start is the About… Pages which you can find in the About Menu (second one along) or by following this link. The short summary is that I write about places I like to drink coffee. The quality of the coffee is obviously important, but, for me, so is the physical space itself.
If you are looking for specific posts, then there are a number of ways of finding your way around the site.
- You can simply browse through past posts. The Home Page (click on the Home Menu from any page) lists the 10 most recent posts and at the bottom of the page, clicking “Older Posts” gets you the next 10 and so on. Alternatively, on the right hand side of the Home Page, there is a menu called “Archives” which lists the posts by month.
- You can also use the search function (box in the top right hand corner of every page, above the coffee cup in the header). Type what you are looking for (if you are looking for a specific term, such as the name of a cafe, best enter it in quotation marks, eg “Small St Espresso”) and hit enter. The results will be displayed below the header image (you may need to scroll down to see them).
- You can search by location, either using the location menus on the Home Page (third set of menus on the right hand side) or by using the map (go to the Map Menu). The map covers all the places I’ve visited.
Regular readers may be interested to know that I’m also planning a number of features, including summaries of specific cities (similar to the Coffee Spot Tour of Edinburgh). I’ll let you know as and when they come out. I’m also going to introduce a new category of posts, called the “Saturday Supplement”, which don’t fit the current mould. These are published on Saturdays, in addition to the usual twice-weekly posts. However, these wouldn’t be every Saturday!
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