Last weekend I celebrated the Coffee Spot’s second birthday with a coffee-crawl around London, taking in three of my favourite Coffee Spots, Doctor Espresso Caffetteria, The Wren and White Mulberries. I had a lovely time and, if you’re interested, you can see what I got up to in the gallery.
I’m also running a special competition with some great prizes. You can win a copy of this year’s The London Coffee Guide or some coffee from the lovely Round Hill Roastery. To enter, all you have to do is tweet about your favourite Coffee Spot, or post about it on Facebook.
I’m not sure why, but the competition has been rather slow to take off this year. I’ve got eight prizes to give away in all and so far I’ve had four entries, so if you enter now, you’re in with a pretty good chance of winning. Just don’t tell your friends…
No, wait… Tell your friends! All your friends!
You can find full details of how to enter the competition after the gallery.
To win a copy of this year’s The London Coffee Guide or some coffee from the lovely Round Hill Roastery, this is what you have to do.
First of all, find your favourite Coffee Spot. It doesn’t have to be one that’s been published in the last year, it can anywhere I’ve published since the Coffee Spot started. Go to the top of your browser and copy the link address. It should look something like this:
You then need to share the link on Facebook or Twitter and let me know which of the prizes you’d like if you win. Alternatively, can use the “Share” button at the bottom of the post.
On Twitter
To qualify, your tweet needs to contain the link to your favourite Coffee Spot, the name of the Coffee Spot (or the twitter name of the Coffee Spot) and either @ldncoffeeguide if you want to win a copy of the London Coffee Guide or @roundhillcoffee if you want to win some coffee.
Finally (and this is the really important bit), you need to tag the Coffee Spot (@BrianCoffeeSpot) in your tweet (otherwise I won’t know that you’ve entered).
An example might look like this:
My favourite Coffee Spot on @BrianCoffeeSpot is The Wren I’d like to win a @ldncoffeeguide.
My favourite Coffee Spot on @BrianCoffeeSpot is White Mulberries I’d like to win some @roundhillcoffee.
On Facebook
Post the link to your favourite Coffee Spot on your own timeline (not the Coffee Spot’s!) and let me know if you’d like to win a copy of the London Coffee Guide or some Round Hill Roastery coffee. If you could tag the Coffee Spot in the post, along with your chosen prize, so much the better, but Facebook’s a bit more selective about who it lets you tag.
Then, and this is very important, send me a private message on Facebook messenger. If you don’t, I won’t know that you’ve entered and, even more importantly, I won’t be able to let you know if you’ve won since I can’t send people messages from the Coffee Spot Facebook account, only reply to messages sent to me. Facebook’s great, isn’t it?
You can enter as many times as you like, but you must choose a different Coffee Spot each time and you can only enter once per day for each prize. So, if you were really keen, you could tweet twice a day, once for the London Coffee Guide and once for the Round Hill Roastery Coffee and you could post twice a day on Facebook. The closing date is Friday, 17th October.
For each prize I’ll pick, at random, two winners from Twitter and two from Facebook. That makes eight lucky winners in all! Winners will be contacted via private message and you will need to provide me with a postal address which I’ll forward on to the London Coffee Guide or Round Hill Roastery. They will then send you your prize. If you’ve chosen the Round Hill Roastery, I’ll also need an e-mail address so Round Hill can contact you and let you choose what coffee you want.
If you liked this post, please let me know by clicking the “Like” button. If you have a WordPress account and you don’t mind everyone knowing that you liked this post, you can use the “Like this” button right at the bottom instead. [bawlu_buttons]
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Pingback: Doctor Espresso Caffetteria | Brian's Coffee Spot
Pingback: The Wren | Brian's Coffee Spot
Pingback: White Mulberries | Brian's Coffee Spot