It’s that time of year again, when I announce the Coffee Spot Calendar, which will be my fifth calendar to date. As before, the calendars will be professionally-printed on glossy paper, each month featuring a landscape, A4 picture from one of my favourite Coffee Spots of the last 12 months. I will also be continuing the very successful Coffee Spot Lighting Calendar, with help from my friend Sharon Reed, which is now entering its third year.
When it comes to the Lighting Calendar, Sharon has always helped me select the pictures, which got me thinking last year, why not let you, my readers, help select the pictures as well, both for the Lighting and the regular Coffee Spot Calendar? Why not indeed? So I did and after a successful trial last year, I’ve decided to give it another go!
All you have to do is nominate your favourite Coffee Spot pictures. They have to be landscape and from a Coffee Spot published on or after 1st November 2016. It’s as easy as that!
Full details of how to get involved are after the gallery, which shows the Coffee Spots that featured in this last year’s calendar, just to give you some idea of what I’m looking for.
Here’s the deal. I need you to let me know your favourite Coffee Spot pictures, the ones you would like to see in the 2017 Coffee Spot Calendar (or the Coffee Spot Lighting Calendar). You can nominate just one or as many as you like. The pictures can be of coffee shops, cups of coffee, neat bits of furniture, lighting, whatever you like, as long as it is (vaguely) coffee-related. If you own your coffee shop, you can even nominate yourself.
However, all nominations must be for pictures that I have published on the Coffee Spot: you can’t send in your own photos! What’s more, the Coffee Spot in question must have been published on or after 1st November 2016.
You can nominate photos by tweeting me, DMing or messaging on Facebook, in-boxing on Instagram or just use the contact form here on the Coffee Spot. If you’re really clever, you can also pin the pictures on Pinterest (but don’t forget to send me the link!). Now, here’s the important part. Unless you’re going down the Pinterest route, I’ll need you to tell me:
- the name of the post that the picture appears in (the easiest way of doing this is to copy the link from the address bar of your browser)
- which picture(s) you are nominating (the easiest way is to tell me the number of the image in the gallery, where 0 is the first image displayed, 1 is the second and so on)
- which Coffee Spot Calendar (Regular or Lighting) you are nominating the picture for
As long as I get more than 13 nominations, I will make the final decision as to which ones go to print!
As in previous years, each calendar will cost £12.00, with a flat £2.00 postage and packing charge, regardless of how many you order. There will also be discounts for multiple purchases. If you think we’re likely to meet up in the near future, I’ll even waive the postage and hand your calendar over in person!
If you’re ordering from outside of the UK, then I’m currently looking at having one-off prints done and sent directly to you by the printer in your country which may well work out a lot cheaper. Watch this space!
If you want to see what sort of pictures were included in the Coffee Spot Lighting Calendar, then the pictures that featured in last year’s calendar are shown in gallery below. In the meantime, what are you waiting for? Get nominating!
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