Donut Shop

A glorious Boston Rhubarb doughtnut from the Donut ShopPrague’s Donut Shop, which styles itself as serving fresh, handmade doughnuts with style (I’m sorry, I can’t bring myself to type “donut”) along with speciality coffee, was recommended by the baristas at my very first stop in Prague, Pražírna Kavárna. Located in the Vinohrady district southeast of Prague’s Old Town, it’s been baking all its doughnuts on site in the kitchen at the back since 2016, pairing them with some excellent coffee. And that’s pretty much it.

There’s not much to the Donut Shop, just a counter and two three-person bars inside in the long, narrow interior. In fact, there’s more seating outside, with four tables spread out on the broad pavement, under the shade of a very large tree.

The Donut Shop has a single roaster on espresso and batch brew, the roaster changing every two or three months, although the individual beans on offer change more frequently. During my visit, it was the turn of Berlin’s The Barn, with a pair of single-origins, a Colombian on espresso and a Brazilian on batch brew.

You can read more of my thoughts after the gallery.

  • On the north side of Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad, there's something hiding behind that tree.
  • What's that on the A-board? Speciality Coffee? That sounds promising.
  • And there it is, seen from the other side. A single, tall, narrow door. But what's it called?
  • Ah, the Donut Shop. Good to know.
  • That tree it's hiding behind: it goes a long way up. A long way.
  • The tree in all its glory.
  • Back at street level, the Donut Shop has some tables outside on the pavement.
  • This one is just to the right of the door.
  • There, in fact. Let's go in.
  • Like the Doughnut Vault in Chicago, the Donut Shop closes when it's sold out.
  • Inside, there's not much to the Donut Shop, just a long thin space with the seating...
  • ... on the right-hand side, starting with this three-person bar with chairs...
  • ... followed by this lower three-person bar with stools at the back.
  • Beyond this, an opening leads to the kitchen where the doughnuts are made. Meanwhile...
  • ... to the right are retail shelves devoted to the speciality coffee we saw on the A-board.
  • There's plenty of coffee from the current guest roaster, The Barn from Berlin.
  • There are also these reusable cups made from bamboo & corn starch, a new one for me.
  • Opposite the seating, on the left-hand side, is the counter...
  • The view from the back, looking towards the solitary door.
  • The counter, seen from the back...
  • ... and, on the other side, the seating.
  • The Donut Shop's a very green spot. This large plant is just inside the door on the left.
  • I liked the neat tote bag tucked away behind the plant.
  • There are more plants right at the back on top of the retail shelves...
  • ... while this beauty is half way down on the right between the two bars.
  • And what's that beyond it? A very interesting piece of neon lighting, that's what.
  • Talking of lighting, with just the door for illumination, there were plenty of lights inside...
  • ... including this impressive lighting rig hanging over the counter.
  • Naturally I was very taken by it!
  • There were lots of individual light bulbs worthy of my attention too...
  • ... including this long, thin one...
  • ... and this one against the opposite wall.
  • To business and to the counter, itself pretty green with lots of suspended plants.
  • You order at the till, which is on the front corner.
  • The main draw though? The doughnuts, kept in this display case to the right!
  • There was a wide selection, even when I was there on Sunday afternoon...
  • ... with more on the other side, plus a savoury bagel or two!
  • The doughnut shelves, looking more depleted than when I arrived!
  • The drinks menu is on the back wall...
  • ... with batch brew through the ever-reliable Moccamaster.
  • During my viist, this Brazilian single-origin from The Barn was on batch brew.
  • The espresso machine, a three-group La Marzocco GB5, is off on the left-hand side...
  • ... with this Colombian single-origin in the hopper.
  • I decided to keep it simple with an espresso, served in a classic white cup...
  • ... while, of course, there had to be a doughnut, in this, the Boston Rhubarb!
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The Donut Shop is on the north side of a large, leafy square, Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad (named after the Czech King George). As a result it catches the sun, although shading is provided by a wonderful tall tree right outside of the door. This is good news for the four tw/three person tables, three lined up along the wall and the other by the tree itself, since without the tree, you’d be baking!

The Donut Shop has a single, tall, narrow door, while inside, the shop is similarly tall and narrow, although it does go a long way back. About as tall as it is wide and maybe twice as long, most of the natural light comes from the door at the front with a little borrow light coming in from the kitchen at the back. The counter is on the left, while two three-person bars run along the right-hand wall. The first, which starts next to the door, has chairs, while the second has small, wooden stools. Right at the back, an opening leads to the kitchen where all the doughnuts are baked, while to the right of this is a set of retail shelves, stacked with bags of coffee from Berlin’s The Barn.

The counter has the till on the front corner, with the espresso machine, a three-group La Marzocco GB5 facing the blank front wall. The batch brew, meanwhile, is on a separate worktop behind the counter, where you’ll find a Moccamaster. The remainder of the space is given over to a massive three-tier glass display case, full of doughnuts, although there was a small concession to savoury with a couple of mozzarella, tomato and pesto bagels during my visit.

Like the Doughnut Vault in Chicago, which I visited last month, Prague’s Donut Shop closes when it’s sold out of the day’s stock of doughnuts. However, unlike the Doughnut Vault, the Donut Shop either bakes more doughnuts or it’s not as successful in selling them, because, fortunately for me, a decent selection remained at four o’clock on the Sunday afternoon I visited.

However, I started off with a gorgeous espresso, using the La Laja, a washed Colombian coffee. Really well-balanced and well-rounded, with a touch of acidity, it was commendably short, gone in just a sip and a gulp.

Naturally I had to have a doughnut, although I was spoilt for choice. Eventually I settled on the Boston Rhubarb, a classic sugared doughnut with a Boston cream filling, complete with chunks of rhubarb. And it was just divine. The doughnut itself superb, the dough light and fluffy, with a crispy sugar coating, while the cream was also gorgeous, the chunks of rhubarb adding the perfect finish.

December 2019: Donut Shop has won the 2019 Best Cake Award.

NÁMESTÍ J. Z PODEBRAD 1658/11 • 130 00 VINOHRADY • PRAGUE • CZECHIA +420 774 130 679
Monday 08:00 – CLOSE Roaster Guest (espresso + batch brew)
Tuesday 08:00 – CLOSE Seating Bar, Tables (outside)
Wednesday 08:00 – CLOSE Food Donuts
Thursday 08:00 – CLOSE Service Order at Counter
Friday 08:00 – CLOSE Cards Yes
Saturday 09:00 – CLOSE Wifi Free (with code)
Sunday 09:30 – CLOSE Power No
Chain No Visits 16th June 2019

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3 thoughts on “Donut Shop

  1. Pingback: Birmingham Coffee Festival 2019: Meet the Roasters | Brian's Coffee Spot

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